Nothing beats a beautiful summer day, outside, with your pup. However, a warm day can go sour, quickly, if you are not informed and prepared. While our pets love to spend time outside, the heat can be extremely dangerous for you and your pup. Learn about the ways to prevent heat stress, learn to

Warm Weather Has Arrived

Nothing beats a beautiful summer day, outside, with your pup.  However, a warm day can go sour, quickly, if you are not informed and prepared.  While our pets love to spend time outside,  the heat can be extremely dangerous for you and your pup.  Learn about the ways to prevent heat stress, learn to identify the signs that something is wrong and find out how to act if your dog is experiencing heat stress, or worse.  

Be Prepared

You have a fun day planned, outside, with your pet and temperatures are expected to be high.  Being prepared will allow you and your pet to enjoy your time outside. 

What to Bring:

  1. Drinking Water
    1. Make sure that you have plenty of drinking water for your pup.  Make sure that your dog is not drinking too much too quickly as this can lead to bloat. 
  2. Paw Protection
  3.  Water for Keeping Your Dog Cool 
    1. Keeping your dog wet will help keep them cool.  Make sure you have enough water for drinking and for keeping your pet wet and cool.  
    2. Wetting a bandana will help cool your pup by pulling heat off of their body as the water evaporates
Important Note:

Shaving your dog does not help protect them from the heat. Your dog's fur acts as a protective layer from extreme temperatures and sun rays. 


Prevent Heat Stress

  1. Keep Your Dog Cool and Hydrated
    1. Stay in the shade when possible.  
  2. Avoid Hot Surfaces
    1. Walk on the grass when possible.  Avoid concrete and asphalt surfaces as these surface temperatures reach extreme temperatures on warm days.  
    2. To test the temperature of a surface, put your bare hand on the surface.  If it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your dog's paws. 
    3. Purchase paw protection for your pup to keep their paws cool and to prevent burns.  
  3. Minimize Outdoor Activities On Extreme Weather Days
    1. On days when temperatures are extreme.  Avoid prolonged outdoor activities.  

Signs of Heat Stress

Heavy Panting
Important Note:
Some dogs have higher sensitivities to heat including:

Old Dogs

Young Puppies

Dogs with Health Issues

Short Muzzled Dogs

Bright Red Gums
Excessive Drinking
Uncoordinated Movement

How to Respond

If your dog is experiencing one or more of the signs of heat stress.  It is important to know how to respond.  

  1. Move to a cool environment
  2. Give small amounts of drinking water
  3. Put a cool, damp, towel on your pup
  4. Contact your vet to discuss how to proceed


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